Posted by: David Stewart | November 18, 2008

Dave and Darrin – taking Shrek seriously

I’m basically having a pretty good time in my current job. I say that with a little hesitancy, since I know that there are many who are out of work now, and many others who are in the category of “grateful to have a job.” But there I go saying it, I am having fun.

Part of why I am enjoying it so much is because I get to work with people from a partner company of ours. We didn’t know each other two years ago, but they have been a real delight to work with, get to know and have fun together. A few of these people are industry colleagues whom I have not seen in years; most are very new to me. And we do work hard and achieve a lot. But we also have an occasional laugh now and then.

So I was at a conference with one of my new friends, Darrin Johnson. Professionally Darrin is a senior engineering manager in operating systems. In addition to work, Darrin and I share an interest in travel, photography, chocolate and Dr. Who. There was a professional video crew at the conference shooting us talking to each other about some new technologies. At the same conference, there was some strong marketing around the “Shrek” movies. And of course, normally I am a very serious person. (Just ask anyone, they’ll tell you), and Darrin is even more serious than I. At the suggestion of the video crew, we shot one outtake, capitalizing on these things.

Original video source here


  1. Me more serious than Dave…not possible. 🙂

  2. Oh hey, and thanks for doing the edit on the video too. I have been pretty much under the weather these days.

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